I woke up early just in time for him to pick me up at 11AM. I took pains getting myself ready for this event. I experimented with a few make-up on hand, I only have the basics since they are just for that wash-and-wear look. And I don't really look good with heavy make-up on. Except on a few occasions, like my debut party for instance, where I'm lucky to have my make-up done by a make-up artist working in ABS-CBN. It had a natural finish which doesn't look cake-y throughout that night.
After a few brushstrokes here and there, my sister told me that I've put in too much. Well since I don't have much time to start from scratch again, I let that be.
I brought our video cam, which we never used during the graduation rites anyway, we settled with the digital cam, and recorded some mini clips.
Everything's going well. I was humming along the with the songs being played inside the car. Suddenly, he's temper got out of control and so is his driving. Yup, I knew it was the truck driver's fault alright but he still went along that temper mode of his, even if we slipped past the truck already. Kakainis talaga. Nakalagpas na nga, ano yun is he trying to kill us both by driving at such a fast speed and were not even on the highway yet, were on a narrow street. Sige pa rin until we reached Roosevelt Avenue. It was as if the honking of the vehicles making their way passed us seemed oblivious. And it was at that time, na nagcomment na ko..
Me: Ano ba? Ba't hindi mo pinadaaan yun ( I forgot the type of vehicle na)?
Rolypoly: Kinakain nya yun nga daan ko. Ba't ba ako sinisisi mo?
And the shouting continued.
And after all that died down, I just close my eyes so as not to see how awful his driving is. And we sat there in silence.
After a few minutes, as what always ensue after every bickering, he's apologizing like crazy.
I sat there still unmoving, still with eyes shut not minding him.
Lagi na lang ganon. He'll let his temper get the better of him. I'll get mad. He'll come back into his child-begging-for-forgiveness look. I wont even budge.
Sige na nga. And then ok na ulit. Mabilis naman mawala yung galit nya. As for me, matagal akong magalit, when I do, matagal din mawala yun.
Anyway, this require a separate entry altogether. So happy na ulit yung mood. And much to my relief, or to my disappointment (hehehe) it stayed that way up to the time he brought me home.
Since he hasn't eaten anything yet this morning, I suggested we ate at Kenny Roger's and he remembered the one near UST. Imagine walking to resto full of people and there you are looking so grand and formal. We're back on the road after the heavy meal. He gave some of our leftovers to a beggar who knocked on the car window. We arrived at PICC an hour early. Since he accidentally left his toiletries at home, we looked for a convenience store to get some things.
Just when we were parking the car at their place of worship, formerly known as Tanghalang Francisco Balagtas, which is just a stone's throw away from PICC, we spotted his dad parking his car near ours. The three of us went in together. And then took pictures before the ceremony. There was a baccalaurate mass first before the commencement exercises. I was seated next to his dad while he's on the other aisle with the rest of the graduates. Since they're Catholics-turned Born Again Christians, I'd expect that his dad wont be as participative but he did exchanged 'peace' greetings with the others; and he seemed to respond by nod or laughs at the joke time session that was the sermon. I didn't appreciate it at all. Its not that I kept a close watch on his dad but at the proximity of the distance allowed me to catch a glimpse of some of his reactions.
The baccalaureate mass was nothing compared to UST's own version of sending their graduates off. To say that it was grand would be an understatement. All of us were seated at the UST grandstand grounds. Our uniforms looked like a mess, with dark, pentel smudges here and there of the messages from special people who made college life such a bliss. We'd be starting with the parade. The rector would give his lengthy, meaningful message to the would-be graduates during the concelebrated mass. Then there was the candle lighting ceremony and yes, the much-awaited fireworks display.
Back to Rolypoly's grad...
The distribution of the diploma was such a bore. Almost two hundred students graduated.
Come recessional time, we took pictures again. His dad treated us to dinner at Gloria-Mari's, situated at the far-end corner of the PICC grounds. Their place is almost jam-packed. Food we ordered: fried mushrooms (shoestrings cut, to my surprise); fish fillet in tausi sauce; beancurd(?) fried chicken; yang chao rice; and seafood soup. And then we went home na after taking pics again outside. We went separate ways. His dad drove the other vehicle. He dropped me off the house at 10 pm. I'm in dire need of sleep. I'm off to dreamland the moment my head hit the pillow.
Commencement Exercises was held last 29th of March.
| 3/31/2005 04:46:00 pm
Yesterday afternoon, we rummaged the stacks of neatly folded and hung shirts at SM department store. Rolypoly wanted to wear something in deep-set yellowish hue perhaps to emphasize his skin tone (hahaha, hope he gets to read this!). While I get to personally handpick the necktie to go with the polo shirt, which is also my choice, he didn't like the light-colored slacks. He preferred that brownish-colored slacks, instead, which definitely costs more, not that the price is an issue. But I think the whole ensemble would look good if he'll wear the light-colored slacks.
All that fitting and running about consumed a lot of energy! I'm up for a heavy meal. He finished off the Big Mac meal while it took me thrice the time to devour the Quarter Pounder Cheese meal. And yeah, I get too try the McColosso ice cream in belgian waffle for the first time.
I feel so stuffed, I could barely walk. It was his treat! He dropped me off and in a few hours time, I'd get to have some peaceful sleep, at last. The night before that, I barely slept. I attended an easter vigil with my family and Tita Levi's kids. It was like driving on a smooth road, less traffic and add to that, I took the car this month to Nissan Balintawak car center for oil change.
I'll be on leave tomorrow for his graduation. I guess he'll have a problem getting enough sleep tonight.
| 3/28/2005 06:39:00 pm
For lack of nothing better to do, I've created a collage.
schellenut strikes a pose
| 3/25/2005 04:30:00 pm
The time when most believers flock to various churches to pay their respect and repent sins.
Just some thoughts...
If God doesn't exist, why would there be any atheists? And why would atheists be so bent on proving the validity of their claim?
I don't believe that disproving God's existence is equally difficult to that of citing evidences that God really exists.
Why would some atheists tremble in fear at the sight of someone consumed by an evil spirit? Are they afraid of eternal damnation at all? Or they do not believe of the existence of anything?
Why are there a great number of atheists turned believer after a manifestation of some sort that would'be probably give them the shock of their life, say for instance, using a person who roams the street in tatters with a rusty, old tin can on one hand and a centavo coin on the other?
Why do atheist crave for too much attention, so much so that they have a propensity to engage in a heated debates, and their arguments are more or less of the same lines? I bet they have to memorize the whole thing to make people think that they really have something in between their heads?
At the end of the day, why would some of them feel empty. People who live their life knowing that their existence is not a result of something bigger than themselves would simply pass through life without any gratification, contentment, etc. In short, just plain, old, boring, useless, meaningless, bereft existence. What do they live for, anyway. Are they just simply waiting for their earthly existence to end?
If truth be told, most atheists spent their lifetime doing such futile exercise. Why bother turning other people's spiritual views, if it wont benefit them, anyway? What would they get out of it. Don't tell me that they could save a millions souls from entering hell.
My higher cause is still for the first cause of this chain, using Aristotle's words, The Prime Mover.
Columbia Encyclopedia:
Atheism is denial of the existence of God or gods and of any supernatural existence, to be distinguished from agnosticism , which holds that the existence cannot be proved. The term atheism has been used as an accusation against all who attack established orthodoxy, as in the trial of Socrates. There were few avowed atheists from classical times until the 19th cent., when popular belief in a conflict between religion and science brought forth preachers of the gospel of atheism, such as Robert G. Ingersoll. There are today many individuals and groups professing atheism. The 20th cent. has seen many individuals and groups professing atheism, including Bertrand Russell and Madalyn Murry O'Hair.
| 3/24/2005 06:14:00 pm
For someone, who was christened with two (given) names, I’m used to people addressing me with different names.
As a child, I remember aunts and uncles calling me in cutesy-cutesy monosyllabic, garbled, babyish talk. One of my uncles have his own way of calling me that even now I still can’t bring myself to talk about, some ugly-sounding name in the vernacular. And its just a jumbled made-up word with no meaning whatsoever. Even my younger sister wasn’t spared of this childhood name-calling. Good thing, its was only my tito who kept on calling us these names and yeah, the name-calling stopped midway to pre-pubescence.
I remembered grade school teachers who calls me in both my names, reminds me of Mexican soaps where lead actors are called with two names at the least. Some of my classmates have Maria as their start name—really Spanish-like, Maria Cristina, Maria Carmela, etc.
Going by many names somewhat diminishes the monotonous blurs in my existence.
Below are the names, to name just a few (just wanted to use the same word in a single sentence for emphasis.)
Chelle- This is what my relatives call me. And some of my best buds, too like Jenny, Khriz, Caroline, etc. Although I didn’t exactly tell them to call me that. That’s why I’m really amazed how’d it come about.
And I used to have a throng of really young friends in high school who were classmates of my younger brother. They send me letters almost everyday. And its nice while you’re walking in campus and hearing these kids running after you saying, Ate Chelle!, Ate Chelle!)
Dial my home number and you could hear someone in the backgroung yelling, ‘Chelle, phone!’ (cellphone? hehehe)
Rach- classmates from college and my officemates call me this
Rachelle (Ray-shel)- kids from the block, some friends, too
If I’ll introduce myself to someone, I’ll be saying this name.
Râchelle (Ra-shel)- some of my relatives call me this.
Anna- This is my official name in Thomson Financial. I wasn’t asked on what name would I prefer. I just stepped in the office one day, too giddy to even bother about my contact details. And so, I use this name when doing office-related matters. Most of the time, exchanging emails to Bangalore and London counterparts.
Cheers- this is what my mama calls me from the time she started carrying me in her arms up to the time she taught me the multiplication table. She also has a name for my sister, Miles.
Schellenut- This name was conceived just out of trying to string words together to come up with a spiced-up, German-sounding version of my name. I used this in my first-ever yahoo mail address in my first year in college. And until this time, the account is still active and subscribed to a number of groups in various organizations, in which I am a member of.
Mengie, my classmate in MBA class calls me this name.
Rachelle- (a character from Friends sitcom)- My UST Varsitarian buddies, Eldric and Jules
Ratch- Christian and Jennifer, classmates from 2nd year high school fondly calls me this. It was Christian who started it
Racquel- credit card agents who consistently annoys me on applying for this new credit card offering this and that features as if that isn’t enough they even start with something like, ‘Congratulations, you have been qualified to avail of this blah..blah..blah..’
Retch- Our group manager started calling me this during my first day at work. The name got stuck and as much as some people reminds him that my name isn’t pronounced in that manner, there was no way to correct it.
Eloi and Mitz followed suit. Jane emailed me a while ago and to my surprise she called me Retch.
Rache (Reysh)- Nilo, former MBA classmate turned officemate who have such a passion for words calls me such
Tachi- Japanese-inspired term of endearment by my two girls in the office—Mel (Tate) and Charo (Taro)
It doesn't bother me at all should people call me by different names just as long that they wont break the rules (as if there are!) Still, I would like to thank my parents for giving me such a nice name. I'm not just a face in the crowd, may name is backed-up with a good reputation and that in itself should give merit to my earthly identification.
Rachel was graceful and beautiful. (Genesis 29:17)
| 3/23/2005 06:13:00 pm
DISCLAIMER: Prior permission must be obtained for the reproduction or use of any information found on this blogsite. While you may not agree with what the author writes about, you should keep in mind that this is her blog and she has every right to do whatever she wants. Needless to say, if anyone has nonsensical opinions of some sort, which is aimed to insult or mislead, she strongly advises that it is better left unexpressed.
Just turned 23. Not that young anymore and not too old either. One of the few reasons why she had a good excuse to mess up her life and still get away with it.
She is a self-confessed blog addict. The blog design reflects the total opposite of her personality. She is innocence personified - prim and proper, goody-two-shoes but could turn your life into a nightmare at the least provocation. Nothing is too complicated that her not-so-average mind could comprehend.
I took delight in trivial things. I could cry bucket of tears over light drama flicks while feel-good movies make me feel fuzzy all over. Despite the sheer crappiness of horror stories, I still hate those gory and morbid scenes that will leave anyone with that sick to the gut feeling. I love the sound of the waves crashing into the shore and the heavy downpours on lazy afternoons. Although i'm almost always caught with a bunch of people, I savor moments in solitude--staring into blank spaces, totally leaving the worldly troubles behind and just lingering in silence. I'm a self-confessed bargain hunter. New finds never fail to fascinate me--it make my melatonin levels shoot sky-high.
Corporate girl who commutes from three to five hours on daily basis; started being a corporate slave a few weeks before graduation;
she's been working for two years; just a few months shy of getting that much-coveted MBA degree from an international academe.
She wants to carve a niche in her pursuit for world domination (as if she's bent on it!). Future career plans include being a
financial journalist or lifestyle writer; preschool teacher, etc.
{*Capricorn woman *}
The Capricorn woman has a strong ability to understand human nature the way no one else does.
She has the ability to analyze and understand any concept well and possess a good memory.
It is not easy to deceive her. She has a very business savvy nature.
Conservative by nature, prudent and economical - a Capricorn women can amass a lot of wealth in her life.
However it is also not uncommon for Capri woman to indulge in sporadic spending spree - leading to temporary financial hassles.
{*Random Things*}
1. people who could carry a good conversation 2. combing beaches 3. furred pets 4. nice bed to retire every night 5. Shopaholic series by Sophie Kinsella 6. Body Shop's Moonflower scents 7. Marks and Spencer's Waterlily line 8. serendipity (not the movie) 9. a bowl of hot soup 10.moments in solitude 11. mango shake 12. chocolate chips 13. white sandals 14. pearl earrings 15. flared-cut denim 16. McDonalds 17. free invites to special events 18. good, old love songs 19. herbal teas
1. heavy traffic 2. appointments delayed at the last minute 3. people who hate me for who I am 4. long queues 5. allergies 6. oil prices shooting up 7. boring seminars you've spent a good amount on 8. racial discrimination 9. bad hair days 10.carbon monoxide 11.sold-out tickets 12.freezing temperature 13.clutterd spaces 14.Calculus subject 15.excessive politicking 16.mismatched outfits
I'd so love to go to Boracy after few years of blowing my chance to go there on a free acommodation basis.***
I want to go on 5,000 shopping spree for free or get all the books on my must-read list at Power Books w/o shelling any bucks.***
I want to enrol in yoga class.**
I want to hone my culinary expertise by going to cooking classes.*
I want to do a commentary on a place long-forgotten.**
I want to be involved again on a project funded by international organization.**
I want to explore caves and tell the difference between stalactites and stalagmite up close.***
I want to build the world and furnish it with love (from a song).***
I wouldn't mind doing undercover job.*
I'd trade places with a wanderlust stuck in some chic city.
{*Personal Links*}
@. Heaven's Kitchen article.@
@. My Friendster profile.@
@. My Grad Pics.@
@. Googlism: What is Rachelle?.@
{*What's in a Name?*}
Gender: Feminine
Usage: English, Italian, German, Dutch, Scandinavian, Finnish, Greek, Hungarian, Polish, Russian, Czech, Bulgarian, Icelandic, Catalan, Breton, Biblical
Pronounced: AN-a (English), AHN-nah
Latinate form of HANNAH. It appears briefly in the New Testament belonging to a prophetess who recognized Jesus as the Messiah. It was also borne by an 18th-century empress of Russia and by the the main character in Tolstoy's 'Anna Karenina', a woman forced to chose between her son and her lover.
Gender: Feminine
Usage: English, Jewish, French, German, Biblical
Pronounced: RAY-chel (English), ra-SHEL (French)
Means "ewe" in Hebrew. She was the favourite wife of Jacob and the mother of Joseph and Benjamin in the Old Testament.
June 2004
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
January 2007
March 2008
@. Lekats, giving frienship a new name .@
@. Mervyn, the ex-seminarian .@
@. Michiko, the pink lady .@
@. Eloi, Mrs. Orlando Bloom .@
@. Mark, the Thomson hunk '04 .@
@. Khayeb, the Kamiseta girl .@
@. Anya, that smile could melt hearts .@
@. Belle, always exuding vibrance .@
@. Lesley, anime gurl .@
@. Butch, college classmate, officemate, etc. @
@. Boggs, In black and white @
@. Karene, Ms. CHiEF @
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