| 4/26/2005 03:11:00 pm
| 4/25/2005 05:27:00 pm
| 4/25/2005 12:59:00 pm
| 4/22/2005 11:30:00 am
Pics from company summer outing at Grande Island, Subic for the second time in a row. Click this.
| 4/21/2005 11:42:00 am
| 4/20/2005 12:58:00 pm
Ahhh….I cant wait for tomorrow.
I don’t know about you but walking on the shore, while the expanse of the shoreline stretches out before me, which also makes you think that it would go on and on and that it would never really end, leaves me in a tranquil stance.
Nothing beats the feeling of having the midday wind brush along the side of your back or against your face. The salty hot air from the sea so close you could even taste it. Or accidentally gulping liters of saltwater from all that splashing around. And even getting your ears partly infected due to water getting in your ears.
| 4/15/2005 05:05:00 pm
Then, dinner with the rest of the team at North Park followed. Noemi's here kse. She'll be back in Dubai again next week. We waited for Isay pa. Hired an fx taxi to go there. Tapos Dennis, being the gentleman that he is, took on the task of carrying the box. Hehehe. Chinese dishes. Dumplings! Wala nga lang sharksfin dumplings. Took the MRT and got home quite late. My brother was confined yesterday. Still under observation. High fever. Hope its nothing serious. Mama and my sister slept in the hospital last night.
| 4/14/2005 12:05:00 pm
The first step in discovering your best match is getting a clear picture of your own relationship style. Good or bad, your experiences with your parents -- in childhood and adulthood -- play a key role in establishing your relationship style and the kind of person who you're best suited for now. Based on your experiences, you will probably fall naturally into one of three categories:
? Isolator: If you are an Isolator, you need a lot of personal space. Isolators minimize emotion, are often guarded and unconsciously push people away, keeping them at a distance.
? Fuser: If you are a Fuser, you have an insatiable appetite for closeness and don't like being alone. Fusers crave attention and are sometimes described as clingy.
? Ambivalent: If you are an Ambivalent, you are a little bit of both. Ambivalents like to pull away, yet they want to feel close at the same time. They can also be confusing and hard to read.
YOUR FREE personalized introductory results, based on your test responses:
| 4/13/2005 12:25:00 pm
The problem with sequels is that they don't measure up to the original as they always nearly fall flat -- nothing new but more or less a rework of the same formulaic concept.
Last Saturday, most people were probably enjoying the holiday break from work. Not for me. I woke up early to go to Ortigas where I had my initial interview at San Miguel. It was like a deja vu. Almost the same questions from my first interview at Thomson were thrown at me. But not with the same intensity that got me all fired up to say more than what I have been asked during my first interview. The same goes for almost all first-timers, I guess. After that, I hurried off to school where we had our group meeting for project consulting class. We had the entire lobby for ourselves as there were no classes during that day. It lasted the whole afternoon. My sister is waiting for me back home because we're going to watch Ms.Congeniality. Free passes to the movie c/o mama. Tita Levi and Sheila was there, too. Mama and tita were working on some financial statements. Ahhh, the BIR deadline, probably. I ate whatever was left from lunch since I was really starving even if I took lunch with my groupmates at Lukfoo, Chinese cuisine. And then we got to Sm Fariview at 7:15pm just in time since the film would be starting at 7:30pm. Not too many people were inside the cinema.
Back to my sort-of movie review, I don't remember watching the first installment on the big screen. The costumes (probably the only thing fabulous in the movie); flashy Vegas lights and sounds; all the glitch and glamor were not enough for the movie to rake in big bucks! Yes, Virginia, needless to say, the shallow movie plot is quite evident in this sequel. But still, I'm there to unwind and I was able to relax because you don't really have to squeeze your mental juices for this film. And yes, my sister did enjoy the film, which is a good thing because she has no idea what the first one was like.
I was sooo tired and hit the sack the moment my head touched the puffed material.
Yesterday, we drove off to Pampanga for my cousin's Dian's debut celebration. Fun! Dami food! Yung mga kids inaagawan ako sa microphone. Puro naman novelty songs yung kinakanta...Gave my mini-swimming pool gift to Lyka, my inaanak. It was her birthday last month.
| 4/11/2005 10:45:00 am
Lunch-out again with Geoff at Chef 'D Angelo. It's my turn to pay the tab. The serving portions are meant for people with big appetite. I could hardly finish the whole thing. Yummy Italian dishes! We both had the huge platter servings of pizza, pasta and chicken plus we ordered calamares as appetizer. It took me a long time to go back to the office due to heavy traffic. People are all rushing out to go to the malls on Friday. By the time Mervyn announced that we could go and have merienda, Spaghetti and Pancit Lukban, I am still stuffed to brim.
We also had ice cream at the pantry.
Look at our necklaces...coincidence, huh?
| 4/08/2005 05:30:00 pm
I burrowed through stacks of pictures at home already accumulating dust. I found this one. My sister watching the pope live on the tv during the World Youth Day 1995.
Elementary Commencement Exercises 1995. We had 'Tell the World of His Love,' as our theme. Awardees are seated onstage. Like it or not, I could be easily seen doing the hand movements along with the song.
Goodbye to the greatest leader that ever walked the earth in these modern times--Pope John Paul II.
| 4/08/2005 03:50:00 pm
After visiting Mervyn's blog.
I thought of posting this.
More often than not, the word celebrant is used to describe someone who is celebrating his/her natal day.
celebrant vs. celebrator
A celebrant participates in a public religious rite (e.g priest) while a celebrator celebrates
The celebrants were disturbed by the shouts of drunken celebrators outside the church.
Source: http://home.earthlink.net/~thescarletpen/scarletpen/writingguide.doc
| 4/07/2005 04:08:00 pm
And at the other end of the line came Rolypoly's voice. He said he was going to tell me something and he's going to wait until I finished dinner. I said he better call again after 20 minutes. Why can't he put it off til the next day. It really must be of serious matter.
Wala lang suddenly I was gripped with this kind of feeling. Unexplainable. Maybe he's packing his bags right now and he'll leave early the next day abroad and he wont be coming back for years.
I pushed the plate aside. The mouth-watering barbecue I'm having that time suddenly seemed so bland. I didn't finish whatever was left on my plate.
As if on cue, after I answered the phone again, I asked him, 'ano na sinabi sa 'yo?' To which he replied, 'ha?'
Yun pala he called to say that his pitbull died. His dad, having no other alternative left, shot him down dead because he's on the verge of killing their neighbor's dog.
He sounded so down. He really loved the dog.
But in a way, I was quite relieved upon hearing the news. But I didn't tell him that. Maybe some other day when the weight of losing his dog would be more bearable.
He went on and on about the Bolinao trip with his classmates this Monday. He came back just yesterday. I still haven't uploaded the grad pics because the digi cam is still under his custody. Its been a week overdue.
Yesterday, the April celebrators-Ron, Eloi and Mervyn threw a birthday bash at the pantry.
| 4/07/2005 01:00:00 pm
I guess i was too much on venting my frustrations on Boggs. The scenario consumed a lot of blog space. Not that it matters. But we're ok now. Sometimes, you really have to shove someone that far once in a while to be able to get the message across.
On to other things...
I have my dental check-up yesterday and have my three teeth undergo permanent light cure filling as well as the prophylaxis.
A few hours ago, I dropped by Grepalife Medical and Diagnostic Center at RCBC tower to have my right ear checked. The EENT doctor told me that there is still traumatic perforation, which is probably due to the Puerto Galera outing last month wherein my ears got infected with seawater. He prescribed some tablets to help my ears retain the normal moisture. I have my ears cleaned and the kind of procedure that the doctor performed was entirely a different experience for me. Whereas in the past, doctors would clean my ears using just a thin rod with a cotton at the tip, similar to cotton buds. The suction tube, which he inserted on my right ear caused a lot of pain. It was like sucking my gray matter. The squirting sound of water from my ear was the only sound I'm hearing at that time. At some point, I felt dizziness and splitting headache altogether. I was even vocal that it was indeed painful. Hay, so much for the torture that was the 30-minute cleaning procedure. My ears was slightly throbbing from pain on my way back to the office.
Thanks to our current HMO provider, Intellicare, for never did I shell out a single centavo on anything. I still have to go back to Grepalife next week for a follow-up check-up. I could use a second opinion (for the nth time) on my skin allergies triggered by temperature changes.
| 4/05/2005 05:45:00 pm
A funny thing happened on my way to class today. Really funny but this is no laughing matter. Just when I'm just a station away from where I'll be dropping off, Magallanes station, Metrostar Express, I received a text message from one of my classmates that he wasn't able to do the slides presentation due to sudden, health constraints. He even asked me to dropped by the office. But he did not tell me the details. I thought that he'll meet me at the office to give me the presentation he's finishing at the moment. He could've sent the file to my yahoo address and I could've accessed the internet at the school library without going to so much trouble. And to think that I'm running late already!
I mean, admit it, if you'll receive a message like that, you would assume that the guy is in the office based on the text message, which goes, "Rach, daan ka sa office, di ako makakapunta ng school ngayon, masama pakiramdam ko, pasensya na."
So, with much disappointment, I took the FX at Buendia and went to the office.
But lo and behold, when I arrived at the office, I've checked my yahoo email, my outlook even and it turns out there was no file. After asking via text where the hell the file was, he texted that he didn't do anything about the file and he is not in the office pala.
*?!!!*&%^$ (I'm not cursing, ok?)
And so, I did the presentation myself. And hurried off to class. Mali pa nasakyan ko. Kainis talaga!
I was able to finish it all up and we were able to report the case on International Business sans the two members who didn't make it today.
Moral lesson of the story is: No matter how you think that everything is all ironed out, there are still creases to watch out for.
In this case, the crease would be Boggs. I kept on reminding him to do his part, presentation na nga lang! And I gave him the file along with the instructions two weeks ago. He has ample time to that. No amount of excuse, alibis, or whatever would suffice. He knows naman that I'm the leader in our two subjects, I barely had the time to juggle all the responsibilities I have on my shoulders, and yet...Hay naku, talaga!
Boggs, next time please be considerate. You're not the only one who's stuck with work. While it may be true that you have health issues, you should've given considerations for unforseen events such as what you claimed happened to you today.
| 4/02/2005 04:36:00 pm
I received a call from Geoff, my college buddy before boarding off the fx on my way to work today. He's inviting me for lunch only he wouldn't specify exactly were. Its been ages since we last saw each other. It was his treat! Yup, you read it right. Geoff Buen is treating me to lunch without me forcing him. It amazes me how some people change after a few months time. Hehehehe. Just exaggerating the whole thing, Geoff!
He'll be checking my blog. I would just like to add that Geoff's quite buff these days. What with his Fitness First membership and thriving, healthy social life!
He was quite surprised why I was not that matakaw anymore. We used to binge a lot during college. We were always dead caught near the buffet table. Our press ID offered a lot of fringe benefits. We get to eat at a lavish dinner should there be a school event and he'd always volunteer to cover the event. Not exactly gate-crashing, we're armed with our press ID, remember?
Oh, those good, old Varsitarian days.....
| 4/01/2005 06:13:00 pm
DISCLAIMER: Prior permission must be obtained for the reproduction or use of any information found on this blogsite. While you may not agree with what the author writes about, you should keep in mind that this is her blog and she has every right to do whatever she wants. Needless to say, if anyone has nonsensical opinions of some sort, which is aimed to insult or mislead, she strongly advises that it is better left unexpressed.
Just turned 23. Not that young anymore and not too old either. One of the few reasons why she had a good excuse to mess up her life and still get away with it.
She is a self-confessed blog addict. The blog design reflects the total opposite of her personality. She is innocence personified - prim and proper, goody-two-shoes but could turn your life into a nightmare at the least provocation. Nothing is too complicated that her not-so-average mind could comprehend.
I took delight in trivial things. I could cry bucket of tears over light drama flicks while feel-good movies make me feel fuzzy all over. Despite the sheer crappiness of horror stories, I still hate those gory and morbid scenes that will leave anyone with that sick to the gut feeling. I love the sound of the waves crashing into the shore and the heavy downpours on lazy afternoons. Although i'm almost always caught with a bunch of people, I savor moments in solitude--staring into blank spaces, totally leaving the worldly troubles behind and just lingering in silence. I'm a self-confessed bargain hunter. New finds never fail to fascinate me--it make my melatonin levels shoot sky-high.
Corporate girl who commutes from three to five hours on daily basis; started being a corporate slave a few weeks before graduation;
she's been working for two years; just a few months shy of getting that much-coveted MBA degree from an international academe.
She wants to carve a niche in her pursuit for world domination (as if she's bent on it!). Future career plans include being a
financial journalist or lifestyle writer; preschool teacher, etc.
{*Capricorn woman *}
The Capricorn woman has a strong ability to understand human nature the way no one else does.
She has the ability to analyze and understand any concept well and possess a good memory.
It is not easy to deceive her. She has a very business savvy nature.
Conservative by nature, prudent and economical - a Capricorn women can amass a lot of wealth in her life.
However it is also not uncommon for Capri woman to indulge in sporadic spending spree - leading to temporary financial hassles.
{*Random Things*}
1. people who could carry a good conversation 2. combing beaches 3. furred pets 4. nice bed to retire every night 5. Shopaholic series by Sophie Kinsella 6. Body Shop's Moonflower scents 7. Marks and Spencer's Waterlily line 8. serendipity (not the movie) 9. a bowl of hot soup 10.moments in solitude 11. mango shake 12. chocolate chips 13. white sandals 14. pearl earrings 15. flared-cut denim 16. McDonalds 17. free invites to special events 18. good, old love songs 19. herbal teas
1. heavy traffic 2. appointments delayed at the last minute 3. people who hate me for who I am 4. long queues 5. allergies 6. oil prices shooting up 7. boring seminars you've spent a good amount on 8. racial discrimination 9. bad hair days 10.carbon monoxide 11.sold-out tickets 12.freezing temperature 13.clutterd spaces 14.Calculus subject 15.excessive politicking 16.mismatched outfits
I'd so love to go to Boracy after few years of blowing my chance to go there on a free acommodation basis.***
I want to go on 5,000 shopping spree for free or get all the books on my must-read list at Power Books w/o shelling any bucks.***
I want to enrol in yoga class.**
I want to hone my culinary expertise by going to cooking classes.*
I want to do a commentary on a place long-forgotten.**
I want to be involved again on a project funded by international organization.**
I want to explore caves and tell the difference between stalactites and stalagmite up close.***
I want to build the world and furnish it with love (from a song).***
I wouldn't mind doing undercover job.*
I'd trade places with a wanderlust stuck in some chic city.
{*Personal Links*}
@. Heaven's Kitchen article.@
@. My Friendster profile.@
@. My Grad Pics.@
@. Googlism: What is Rachelle?.@
{*What's in a Name?*}
Gender: Feminine
Usage: English, Italian, German, Dutch, Scandinavian, Finnish, Greek, Hungarian, Polish, Russian, Czech, Bulgarian, Icelandic, Catalan, Breton, Biblical
Pronounced: AN-a (English), AHN-nah
Latinate form of HANNAH. It appears briefly in the New Testament belonging to a prophetess who recognized Jesus as the Messiah. It was also borne by an 18th-century empress of Russia and by the the main character in Tolstoy's 'Anna Karenina', a woman forced to chose between her son and her lover.
Gender: Feminine
Usage: English, Jewish, French, German, Biblical
Pronounced: RAY-chel (English), ra-SHEL (French)
Means "ewe" in Hebrew. She was the favourite wife of Jacob and the mother of Joseph and Benjamin in the Old Testament.
June 2004
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
January 2007
March 2008
@. Lekats, giving frienship a new name .@
@. Mervyn, the ex-seminarian .@
@. Michiko, the pink lady .@
@. Eloi, Mrs. Orlando Bloom .@
@. Mark, the Thomson hunk '04 .@
@. Khayeb, the Kamiseta girl .@
@. Anya, that smile could melt hearts .@
@. Belle, always exuding vibrance .@
@. Lesley, anime gurl .@
@. Butch, college classmate, officemate, etc. @
@. Boggs, In black and white @
@. Karene, Ms. CHiEF @
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