28 Nov 2005

{\*all I want for Christmas is....*/}

All I want for Christmas is....
A bit smitten by the yuletide bug, I've decided to make things easy for friends and loved ones and lovers. The last group being nonexistent. What better way to reduce their shopping time in half and spare them from all that thinking of what to give me for Chrismas yule is to have a wish list ready. You'll never know...
So here it is...
The Girl's Guide to Hunting and Fishing by Melissa Bank
The Violin by Anne Rice
Sleeping Beauty Series by Anne Rice
The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros
Sushi for Beginners by Marian Keyes
Bath and Beauty products; Make-up
Burt Bee's lip gloss/balm
Neutrogena Body oil
Marks and Spencers Waterlily foam bath
Refill L'Oreal Ideal Balance Ivory Foundation
Body Shop's pre-selected gift packs
Silver hoop earrings and or silver earrings
the list is yet to be finalized...

| 11/28/2005 05:25:00 pm


26 Nov 2005

{\*Saturday with the nocturnals*/}

I'm so wiped out from all that walking and shopping in the mall. Last stop was at the office to post an entry in this blog. We just finsihed off some leftovers from TGIF. The manager all gave us gold cards this time to avail of 20% discount in all Bistro establishments. Nilo has a friend working there kasi. And we've been known as regular customers already. We have hefty servings of delectable dishes, which we haven't able to finish in one sitting. We were able to eat them again for dinner after we arrived at the office. We saw Kathy and Marlon while lounging in the comfy couches in Starbucks Glorietta during the afternoon. After some chitchat while waiting for Nilo to come back from Ortigas, we are at it again -- scanning the displays on the stores. This time they're going after appliance showrooms, gizmo gadgets, and musical instruments. Seems that they don't know what to do with their bonuses.
The day would really turn up unpredictable when you're spending it with these guys. One hour would stretch to three hours, blah, blah, blah.
Who would've think that these guys are practically walking zombies since they haven't charged up for the day and yet they all have the energy of a bull.
Something completely opposite when it comes to my lifestyle. Not that I really don't like to stay up super late. I just can't manage it. That's the reason why there are only rare occasions where I'm most likely to be seen awake at the stroke of midinight. Even then, expect me to be yawning almost ever minute.
I declined Rolypoly's offer to spend the evening with him and his college buddies for a night out which is ok since they've long been out of each other lives and its proper that they get to spend some time off for themselves to catch up on things.
There are a lot of reunions come December from college batchmates and friends. I'm not sure if I could all accomodate them all in my calendar. I'd like to have all that Christmas shopping done before the mad rush settles in.
I've finally watched the J.K Rowling's latest movie adaptation. It would go down in history as one of the best Harry Potter movie to date. I watched last Thursday since I'm on vacation leave during that day doing some errands.
I feel I'll be having a good night's sleep tonight since I'm so wiped out. I wasn't able to get a proper sleep last night. Work kept me in the office for hours. Its too late to catch the MRT so I'd just hopped in the bus. At a stop near Glorietta, Dovan and his friend spotted me among the seats and they slipped right in. Good, I was able to doze off for a few minutes before Dovan got off in Kamias. His friend, which also works in Thomson had the same surname as mine only his has a double r in it. And I was surprised he quite knew me although that was the first time I met him. Just a thought, the Kamiseta lon-sleeved blouse last midnight madness sale at Glorietta had the name Arriola on its tag. I only noticed after tearing it off with a scissor. I got to know the sale from Chi. I'm with Isay, Nancy, Mitz, and EJ, who drove us there after work.
Earlier that day, we had a late lunch at the newly-opened Brother Burger. I was with Tate, Carlo and EJ. Our team had a brunch treat celebration of November celebrators- Drew and Joey; and Charo's anniversary in the company.
I think I'd better go since Mervyn's not his usual self anymore which is probably caused by lack of sleep. We'd be going home now. Ciao!

| 11/26/2005 08:22:00 pm


22 Nov 2005

{\*flooding along Forbes street*/}

Monday morning welcomed early birds of Forbes street in a slightly indignant mood as some of the water meters in the neighborhood were stolen. This was the first time something of this sort has happened over our almost 18 years stay in the village. We were relieved our water meter was spared. Most water meters in the neighborhood are located outside their gates, without any barricades, easily accessible to anyone.
What really irked me most was seeing how water is being wasted. Imagine the gusts of water continuously flooding the area and yet some neighborhood people are not even doing something about it pronto. Yeah, i know it isn't their problem that their water meters were stolen but since they would still pay for a replacement why not get it fixed right away?
This morning, I'm still tiptoeing my way to get out of the village's gates.
Some people would do anything for money talaga. And where would they probably sell the water meters they've stolen? I heard it costs a thousand bucks. But who would buy stolen water meters? The junk shops? There's even a code or an identifier that would link it to the residential area.
They say the pilferers struck at dawn. Our pet dog is on the loose at night prowling our not-so-spacious front area. Our pet dog probably scared the wits out of them. She barks at the slightest sound of strangers approaching our gates even if she couldn't see them but she recognizes easily if its us. I've tried this and I even change the way my footsteps sound but still she doesn't bark at me but wags her tails instead upon entering the gate. What a smart dog!
There's really a need for tighter security measures these days. Even my sister mentioned something about the rampant hold-up incidents along Lacson and Dapitan streets near the premises of UST where students are the susceptible prey.

| 11/22/2005 02:24:00 pm


17 Nov 2005

{\*feats of thaumaturgy*/}

Yesterday left legions of Harry Potter fans in a daze as the fourth installment premiered in local cinemas. I'm sure the movie seemed like a panacea for people who have been consumed with their own share of troubles lately.
I had a lunch-out with Mervyn that day and while we were aboard the jeep on our way to Glorietta, two people seated near us were discussing animatedly the highlights of Book 4. We were then engaged on the same topic. Mervyn has been pouring over the pdf versions of Harry Potter books lately in the office during his breaks while I have to refresh my memory as I have vague recollections scenes from the Goblet of Fire. I have to read the whole thing again before watching the latest HP offering. Just this morning, I heard from Tate that some characters have been omitted from the movie, something we all expect, don't we? But I wouldn't be able to feel Molly's motherly presence on the story. Her character has endeared me more on the quaint Burrow.
I accompanied Mervyn to search for a watch. Just recently, Mervyn is really splurging on luxurious things lately. Which I believed is doing him good, its about time he spends more on himself once in a while. He decided on a Fossil watch. And we both had our eyes on this matte, silver watch which has a sleek design and professional look to it. There's even a HER version of the watch, which the saleslady urged him to buy for me.
After that he treated me to lunch at Chef D' Angelo were we have our usual fare.
What I discovered was if you are going to go shopping with Mervyn, chances are, you would be able to do it in a jiffy unlike doing the rounds with Nilo since half a day wouldn't be enough to get even a single item off the list. Sometimes my shopping habit is more like Nilo rather than Mervyn. There are times when I would really feel that the search for something is taking me days, when everything do not seem good enough or close enough to being good. I wouldn't want to shortchange myself for ending up with something that belongs to this-will-do kind of thing.
On the other hand, when luck is on my side, I would walk in a store, look into something that caught my eye and instantly I would know that this would be it. After even trying it on, it would fit perfectly as if that item was made just for me.

| 11/17/2005 04:36:00 pm


9 Nov 2005

{\*the dream*/}

I woke up from a dream this morning. It did seem like a dream to me.
Three guys forced me to get down on the elevator last night. I wasn't able to recall much from what they are saying but I could hear the word, Starbucks as if it was the most used expression in the universe.
Nothing special, I thought as we made our way through throngs of people scurrying about. Perhaps these three guys would like to have their drinks on the red cups since their back for the yuletide season.
Then in a flash, I was there infront of the barista who most likely knew the three guys' names and perhaps mine, too.
What the baristas thought of me, I have the least idea as I always end up with these three guys in tow treating the place as if it were their posh playground or whatever their moods were at the moment.
For a while there, I feasted my eyes on the assorted Christmas pastries then having this special attachment to the gingerbread man adorned with colored sugar bits but alas, my stomach is not in its happy state as do my tastebuds. I decided to forego this temptation.
I was brought to my senses by the nudgings of these three grown man who kept on insisting that I get my own drink while saying twas their treat.
Back to the dream, seldom do I dream of sweet things like this. Definitely, sweet dreams are made of this. I hope I'll get to dream about this again tomorrow night by that. Or am I still dreaming? Can somebody pinch me?
Since these guys now have a reason to go to Starbucks as often as they would the toilet seat, I am most probably the next easy prey to hurl a free Starbucks drink at.
In no time, they'll be getting that new Starbucks planner and I'll be having a dose too many of that caffeine fix again. Not that I'm complaining, they have these all-new just-for-the-yuletide drinks--creme brulee, tofee nut and peppermint.
And yes, all this was not a dream.
Look at the comments section, to know more about this dream...

| 11/09/2005 12:05:00 pm


{*RACHEL was graceful and beautiful.*}

(Genesis 29:17)

DISCLAIMER: Prior permission must be obtained for the reproduction or use of any information found on this blogsite. While you may not agree with what the author writes about, you should keep in mind that this is her blog and she has every right to do whatever she wants. Needless to say, if anyone has nonsensical opinions of some sort, which is aimed to insult or mislead, she strongly advises that it is better left unexpressed.


Just turned 23. Not that young anymore and not too old either. One of the few reasons why she had a good excuse to mess up her life and still get away with it. She is a self-confessed blog addict. The blog design reflects the total opposite of her personality. She is innocence personified - prim and proper, goody-two-shoes but could turn your life into a nightmare at the least provocation. Nothing is too complicated that her not-so-average mind could comprehend.


I took delight in trivial things. I could cry bucket of tears over light drama flicks while feel-good movies make me feel fuzzy all over. Despite the sheer crappiness of horror stories, I still hate those gory and morbid scenes that will leave anyone with that sick to the gut feeling. I love the sound of the waves crashing into the shore and the heavy downpours on lazy afternoons. Although i'm almost always caught with a bunch of people, I savor moments in solitude--staring into blank spaces, totally leaving the worldly troubles behind and just lingering in silence. I'm a self-confessed bargain hunter. New finds never fail to fascinate me--it make my melatonin levels shoot sky-high.


Corporate girl who commutes from three to five hours on daily basis; started being a corporate slave a few weeks before graduation; she's been working for two years; just a few months shy of getting that much-coveted MBA degree from an international academe. She wants to carve a niche in her pursuit for world domination (as if she's bent on it!). Future career plans include being a financial journalist or lifestyle writer; preschool teacher, etc.

{*Capricorn woman *}

The Capricorn woman has a strong ability to understand human nature the way no one else does. She has the ability to analyze and understand any concept well and possess a good memory. It is not easy to deceive her. She has a very business savvy nature. Conservative by nature, prudent and economical - a Capricorn women can amass a lot of wealth in her life. However it is also not uncommon for Capri woman to indulge in sporadic spending spree - leading to temporary financial hassles.

{*Random Things*}


1. people who could carry a good conversation 2. combing beaches 3. furred pets 4. nice bed to retire every night 5. Shopaholic series by Sophie Kinsella 6. Body Shop's Moonflower scents 7. Marks and Spencer's Waterlily line 8. serendipity (not the movie) 9. a bowl of hot soup 10.moments in solitude 11. mango shake 12. chocolate chips 13. white sandals 14. pearl earrings 15. flared-cut denim 16. McDonalds 17. free invites to special events 18. good, old love songs 19. herbal teas


1. heavy traffic 2. appointments delayed at the last minute 3. people who hate me for who I am 4. long queues 5. allergies 6. oil prices shooting up 7. boring seminars you've spent a good amount on 8. racial discrimination 9. bad hair days 10.carbon monoxide 11.sold-out tickets 12.freezing temperature 13.clutterd spaces 14.Calculus subject 15.excessive politicking 16.mismatched outfits


I'd so love to go to Boracy after few years of blowing my chance to go there on a free acommodation basis.*** I want to go on 5,000 shopping spree for free or get all the books on my must-read list at Power Books w/o shelling any bucks.*** I want to enrol in yoga class.** I want to hone my culinary expertise by going to cooking classes.* I want to do a commentary on a place long-forgotten.** I want to be involved again on a project funded by international organization.** I want to explore caves and tell the difference between stalactites and stalagmite up close.*** I want to build the world and furnish it with love (from a song).*** I wouldn't mind doing undercover job.* I'd trade places with a wanderlust stuck in some chic city.

{*Personal Links*}

@. Heaven's Kitchen article.@
@. My Friendster profile.@
@. My Grad Pics.@
@. Googlism: What is Rachelle?.@

{*What's in a Name?*}


Gender: Feminine
Usage: English, Italian, German, Dutch, Scandinavian, Finnish, Greek, Hungarian, Polish, Russian, Czech, Bulgarian, Icelandic, Catalan, Breton, Biblical
Pronounced: AN-a (English), AHN-nah
Latinate form of HANNAH. It appears briefly in the New Testament belonging to a prophetess who recognized Jesus as the Messiah. It was also borne by an 18th-century empress of Russia and by the the main character in Tolstoy's 'Anna Karenina', a woman forced to chose between her son and her lover.


Gender: Feminine
Usage: English, Jewish, French, German, Biblical
Pronounced: RAY-chel (English), ra-SHEL (French)
Means "ewe" in Hebrew. She was the favourite wife of Jacob and the mother of Joseph and Benjamin in the Old Testament.


June 2004

March 2005

April 2005

May 2005

June 2005

July 2005

August 2005

September 2005

October 2005

November 2005

December 2005

January 2006

February 2006

March 2006

April 2006

May 2006

June 2006

July 2006

August 2006

September 2006

January 2007

March 2008

Free Counter


@. Lekats, giving frienship a new name .@
@. Mervyn, the ex-seminarian .@
@. Michiko, the pink lady .@
@. Eloi, Mrs. Orlando Bloom .@
@. Mark, the Thomson hunk '04 .@
@. Khayeb, the Kamiseta girl .@
@. Anya, that smile could melt hearts .@
@. Belle, always exuding vibrance .@
@. Lesley, anime gurl .@
@. Butch, college classmate, officemate, etc. @
@. Boggs, In black and white @
@. Karene, Ms. CHiEF @

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